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My Books, Who They're for, and Where to Buy Them

The Bloomsbury Introduction to Children's and Young Adult Literature

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This book is designed for multiple audiences--I wrote it in such a way that interested (advanced) high school students and general readers could understand it, undergraduates and graduate students can learn about the field, and more advanced scholars might find new ways to research and organize their courses as well as their own ways of thinking about the field of youth literature.  



This book is available in hard cover (expensive) and paperback (reasonable!) and ebook (also reasonable) from the Bloomsbury Academic website as well as other online bookstores.

Children's Literature and the Developing Reader

This book is intended for people who are seeking to work with children from birth to age 8, or grade 3. I used a multiliteracies framework to show how the intentional development of visual, gestural, aural/oral, tactile, and multimodal literacies are crucial to developing strong readers, and how good children's literature can scaffold the development of those literacies.  


This book is available only as an ebook through VitalSource

Looking Glasses and Neverlands: Lacan, Desire, and Subjectivity in Children's Literature


This book is definitely for scholars rather than for more general readers. However, it's not just for children's literature scholars. If you ever wanted to understand Jacques Lacan's theory of subjectivity and how it works as a literary theory as well as how it might explain some of the difficult relationships that develop between people of different races and genders, this book explains it all. (At least, I hope it does!)  

This book is available through the University of Iowa Press website or through online bookshops. 

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